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How To Unravel Yarn From A Sweater

How To Unravel Yarn From A Sweater

When you take all the time and effort required to knit a sweater, it can be heartbreaking if something happens to damage that sweater. If you saved some leftover yarn from your knitting project, you will be able to use it to repair the sweater; otherwise, try to purchase yarn that matches the sweater's color and fiber content as closely as possible. No matter where the problem occurred, you should be able to repair it or cover it up to make the sweater wearable again.

Repairing Hems and SleevesUnravel the sweater slightly where it has torn or unraveled itself, so that you can see the loops of the stitches from the hem or sleeve of the sweater.Thread a knitting needle through the stitch loops on the sweater's hem or sleeve. If the problem occurred around the entire sleeve or hem, you will need to use circular or double-pointed needles (DPNs) to pick up these stitches.Pick up a skein of coordinating or leftover yarn and knit the stitches you picked up in step 3. Follow the knitting pattern established in the sweater; it will probably be some sort of ribbing, such as knit two/purl two/repeat.Bind off the stitches when you have made the hem or sleeve as long as it needs to be. Cut your working yarn with scissors and thread the yarn tail onto an embroidery needle, weaving it in on the inside of the sweater to hide it.

The yarn joining the seam will usually be either a strand of the same cashmere as the sweater or a matching thread. Cross your fingers it is a matching thread- it is usually stronger, making it easier to tug on to unravel the sweater. Winding The key to winding the yarn is to go slow- tugging or the yarn getting stuck can break the delicate cashmere. How to take apart a sweater for the yarn. With no mess! Before (look carefuly): After: From here you can start to unravel the sweater pieces. Most sweaters are knit from the bottom up so you will start unraveling at the shoulders/neck and work your way down. Hopefully, I will have more pictures for you soon!

Repairing Holes and TearsPull out the extra yarn tails around the hole or tear in your knitted sweater, being careful not to unravel the hole too much further.Thread a knitting needle through the stitch loops at the top of the hole.Pick up a matching or leftover skein of yarn and knit the stitches you picked up in step 2. Knit back and forth in the established stitch pattern of the sweater.

Stop knitting and bind off your stitches when you have knit a piece large enough to fill the hole.Thread some extra yarn onto an embroidery needle. Use this needle to sew the patch you made into the hole. Sew the bottom edge of the patch to the bottom stitches, threading the needle and yarn through those stitches to avoid unraveling. Then sew the sides as well; keep your stitches on the underside of the sweater for the most part to keep them hidden.Sew a premade patch over the hole as an alternative if the hole is very large. Make sure to sew tightly around the perimeter of the patch to keep the knitting stitches from unraveling.

How To Unravel Yarn From A Sweater Patterns

When we need to adjust the length of a sweater or change the bottom band on a sleeve, we wish we could undo the cast on edge, pull the yarn and unravel the work the same way as we unravel it from the bind off edge.If you've ever tried to unravel the work from the cast on edge, you know that it is a gruelling process that can take hours and hours of our time. But there is a way to make the project shorter or longer that is quite easy to do in five simple steps.Here's how it works:If you are a visual learner, watch every step described below in.STEP 1First, decide on the length of the project.If you plan to make it shorter, measure the project (or, better yet, try it on) and place a pin or a locking stitch marker to mark the desired length.If you plan to add a bottom band, measure the length of the future band from the marker and place another marker. This will be our 'primary marker'. You can remove the other marker to avoid the confusion.If you plan to make the project longer, mark the first row of the work.If the project has seams, undo the seams to a spot that is a few rows above the marker you've just placed.STEP 2Now place the project on a flat surface so that the cast on edge is at the top. If the project is worked from the bottom up, that means you will need to turn it upside down.STEP 3This is the fun part. Take your scissors and snip the yarn in the marked row one stitch away from the right side of the work.STEP 4Carefully undo the yarn from the first stitches at the right side of the work.Take a knitting needle in your right hand and pick up those stitches from back to front.Continue to unravel the yarn stitch by stitch and pick up the stitches with the needle until you have all stitches comfortably sitting on your knitting needle. Remove the marker.If the fabric is wide and the piece of unravelled yarn becomes too long to manage, feel free to cut it.

STEP 5Attach the working yarn to the yarn tail.Depending on the row you cut through, the yarn tail will be either at the right or the left side of the work. If the tail is at the right side, take another knitting needle in your left hand, and slip all stitches from the right needle to the left needle. Or, slide the work to the other tip of the needle, if you used a double pointed or a circular needle to pick up stitches.Now finish off the project - make it longer, add a bottom band, or simply bind off all stitches.A FEW THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND1. If you cut off a wide stripe of knitted fabric, unravel it and use the yarn to finish the project.2.

Sweater yarn types

Because we picked up stitches from the side that is opposite to the direction of knitting, the stitches will be shifted by half-stitch. That does not show in stockinette or garter stitch, but it is quite visible if you undo ribbing. To avoid this, don't undo work in the middle of a band worked in ribbing. Undo the whole band, and then make it as long as you need.3. If you are not sure about the length of the project even before you cast on stitches, use. When the project is finished, you can try it on and decide whether it's long enough.

How To Unravel Yarn From A Sweater For Women

If it is, pick up stitches from the scrap yarn, attach the working yarn and bind off stitches. If you'd like to make the project longer, pick up stitches, attach the yarn and continue working in the pattern until the project is as long as you want.This technique is especially helpful when we want to lengthen sweaters for kids. Often, a sweater fits well, but because kids grow so fast, the sleeves and the sweater itself can get too short within months. To avoid re-knitting the whole sweater, cut the bands, pick up stitches and work a few extra rows to add more length. The kids will be delighted to see that their favourite sweaters grow with them:-)If you like this tutorial, you will LOVE e-books and chartsin theHere are a few more things you might like:. Learn to knit faster and more efficient with minimal strain to your wrists. Make lots of colourful projects using and 36 patterns for blankets and pillows.

Sweater Yarn Types

Knit and in any size with any yarn. Download and. Join the and don't miss a single tutorial published in 2019. Make a flattering or a super easy.Happy knitting:-).

How To Unravel Yarn From A Sweater